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Mar 11 2023
first thing most people do in the morning is to curiously turn the pages of
newspapers to check our daily horoscope. It gives us a sense of satisfaction,
knowing what our day will be like today. But is the daily horoscope really
useful? Or it’s just an eye wash for the people taking valuable precepts from
the ancient wisdom of Astrology. Let’s find out.
of all, it is important to know whether you are reading the daily horoscope
as per your sun sign or the Moon sign. Many newspapers or magazines give daily
horoscopes based on sun signs, but for an astrology enthusiast, it is
worth knowing that the daily horoscope should be based on your moon signs.
The moon is the fastest planet in the sky and stays in a sign for two and
one-fourth days. It changes nakshatra every day; hence is the most appropriate
basis to give daily predictions. Moreover, the Sun stays in a sign for a month,
which may not be as appropriate as the moon is.
horoscopes are extremely useful if given correctly. The moon stays in a
nakshatra for a day. A learned astrologer may give wonderful predictions based
on its placement in the nakshatra in transit and in the birth chart.
Janam tara or your birth nakshatra is the nakshatra your moon was placed at the
time of your birth. There are nine categories: janm, Sampat, vipat, kshem, pratyari, saadhak, baadhak, mitr and atimitr. Out of these categories, if
the transit nakshatra of the moon falls in the janm, vipat, pratyari or
baadhak place from the birth nakshatra, the day is supposed to be bad.
There is a prescribed astrological method to count the nakshatra from the natal
to transit nakshatra. If an astrologer applies these principles, they can
surely give wonderful predictions.
daily predictions or horoscopes are generalized statements that may or may not
fit you. But yes, it may give you an overall idea of your day. You may always
plan your day as per the indications of the daily horoscope, provided it is
based on your Rashi or moon sign. You may use your daily horoscope for-
Planning an important
meeting: If your Daily Horoscope
predicts a favorable day, utilize it for making important decisions or planning
a business meeting. It is so because that day, your moon and hence your mind is
in a balanced position which will help you to present yourself better and make
the best decisions.
Safeguards you against
mishaps- Your daily horoscope also warns you against rash driving and healthissues for a specific day. It may be due to the position of the moon in bad
houses. So, that day you should take caution while driving or eating outside.
Taking investment
decisions: The daily horoscopes may be of extreme importance for those
dealing in share or speculation markets. Whenever the moon transits through the
good houses and auspicious
nakshatras, there are chances of gaining luck!
Caution against
unexpected expenditure: Stay alert if your daily horoscope warns
against unexpected expenditure. Sometimes it is unavoidable, but at times it
helps to save big chunks of money for you.
are generalized statements that may or may not suit you. To get 100% accurate
predictions, one has to go to a learned and experienced astrologer to know
his/her true fate. One must approach a reliable resource to read a daily
horoscope. The Sun and other inner planets like Mercury planets and Venus
planets may give the overall tone of the month, while under the same
impression; the moon will decide the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of the
is no harm in reading Daily Horoscope; rather it is beneficial as at
least you get to know how your attitude towards work should be today.
it can! But again, it should come from a genuine resource. The Daily
Predictions, even if generalized, hold 60-70% true if they are given with a
keen eye of an astrologer. Astrology may predict everything including career,
love and health for a day, month and year or life time. So, choose your
resource of information wisely!
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Mar 14 2023
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